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College Station, Texas USA 77843

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Aggie STEM has developed a series of five online elementary professional development short courses. They are in the areas of Algebraic Patterning, Variables and Equations, Measurement, Problem Solving, and Fractions. These courses cover both content and pedagogy in these areas and will take about 10 – 15 hours to complete. Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits will be awarded for each course completed. They are ready for all elementary teachers who want to deepen content knowledge for teaching and learn pedagogical strategies for teaching these important topics.

Description of Each of the 5 Elementary Modules:

Elementary Algebraic Patterning: Teachers will engage in activities to build algebraic habits of mind by building squares and cutting strings while recognizing, describing, and generating patterns. 10 CPE credits.

Elementary Algebra Variables and Equations: Teachers will engage in activities to strengthen student concepts in equality, writing variables, functional thinking by justifying generalizations. 10 CPE credits.

Elementary Measurement: Teachers will use the problem scenario of jumping to count and combine units, make predictions about length and distance using nonstandard and standard measurements. 10 CPE credits.

Elementary Problem Solving:  Teachers will watch a video within the context of a marble problem and take note of effective strategies to elicit student thinking as they solve and pose problems. They will also play a game of “draw and discard” with their students and write a reflection. 10 CPE credits.

Elementary Fractions: Teachers will be introduced to the “Fearless Fractions” program and will participate in an activity where they will fold up French fries to develop the concept of unit fractions. They will examine five models for gaining a rich understanding of representing fractional parts. 15 CPE credits.

Visit here to select course.