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Get in Touch

1411 Hensel Street
Suite 201
College Station, Texas

Mailing Address:
4232 TAMU
College Station, Texas USA 77843

Call: 979-862-4665
Email: aggiestem@tamu.edu

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Aggie STEM Awards

Aggie STEM was selected as a recipient of the 2016 TxDLA Award for Outstanding Commitment to Excellence and Innovation by a 4-Year Higher Education Institution. This award was based on the team’s innovation in providing both synchronous and asynchronous online STEM professional development for teachers. This includes access for teachers in locations across Texas to view experienced instructors working with secondary students to facilitate STEM project-based learning at Texas A&M University. These opportunities for teachers complement Aggie STEM’s work in face-to-face venues on the university campus and on individual K-12 campuses.


“All of us co-directors of Aggie STEM are honored that such an organization would recognize our work in impacting the lives of teachers in the state of Texas and their students,” said Dr. Mary Margaret Capraro. “It adds credibility and greater visibility within Texas and nationally.”