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1411 Hensel Street
Suite 201
College Station, Texas

Mailing Address:
4232 TAMU
College Station, Texas USA 77843

Call: 979-862-4665
Email: aggiestem@tamu.edu

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  • Dr. Luciana Barroso

    - by jamaal.young

    Luciana R. Barroso, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, holds BA. and B.S. degrees, in architectural studies and civil engineering respectively,…

  • Dr. Mary Margaret Capraro

    - by jamaal.young

    Mary Margaret Capraro received her Ph.D. from the University of Southern Mississippi. She joined Texas A & M University in…

  • Dr. Robert M. Capraro

    - by jamaal.young

    Robert M. Capraro, Ph.D, is a Professor of Mathematics Education, in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture at Texas…

  • Dr. Morgan

    Dr. James R. Morgan

    - by jamaal.young

    Jim Morgan was at Texas A&M for over 33 years, serving as an associate professor of civil engineering. Jim was…